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The QuaMMELOT project (Qualification for Minor Migrants Education and Learning Open access – Online Teacher-training) takes its point of departure in the increasing number of newly arrived migrants and unaccompanied minors and the challenges it poses at school level. The QuaMMELOT project especially aims to provide a solution on how to include migrants and unaccompanied minors in upper secondary classes. It does so by developing inclusive learning materials and tools that have learning potentials for both newly arrived migrant students and native students.
The Guidelines are published open access by the publisher ETS

Guidelines Annexes "National Reports"
The national reports on Italy, Greece, Denmark and Spain, produced in the context of our project, provide an overview of the following issues:
The national, demographic and cultural context on immigrants and refugees, including recent developments.
The legal framework and policies on immigrant population.
The situation and specific profile of unaccompanied foreign minors, with focus on issues of social and educational integration.
The structure of the national education system and the challenges faced in the education and training of minors and migrant pupils.
The identification and description of good practices on social and educational integration of the immigrant and refugee population.
Normative Framework Denmark
Normative Framework Italy
Normative Framework Greece
Normative Framework Spain
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