MODULE 3 - Communication and Interpersonal Relationship
General overview, aims and proposed activities
Phase 1
Proposal: 2 activities for teachers and 2 activities for students on the theme "Recognizing and identifying our prejudices towards others".
Activity 1: Teachers have to read a text taken from Van Dijk, T.A. (2001). Discourse and racism. In D. Goldberg & J. Solomos (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies Oxford (link provided), and write a reflection showing examples of racism seen or known in the four contexts: conversations, news, textbooks, political speeches.
Activity 2: A classroom session is required to explain to students how to identify examples of racism, sometimes veiled. Use a table to schematize the examples of racism proposed by the students in class (a template is provided) (10 hours of work have been considered).
Activity 3: Reading-reflection-action activities. Students read an excerpt from Augusto Monterroso's Eclipse of El, then divided into groups imagine an ending to the story they discuss and then in turn present the written ending to the class. Then the original ending of Moterroso is read. The teachers ask a series of questions, present in the materials of the module, to solicit the critical thinking of the students.
Activity 4: Teachers write a short essay on the experience in the classroom (work: 15 hours).
Phase 2
Proposal: 1 activity of theoretical-practical reflection for teachers
Activity 1: The exercise consists of acquiring on paper, visually and concisely, how progress is being made during the course. The sketch should consist of three parts: how you were before you started, how you are during your work and how you want to be after you finish (work: 5 hours).
Training Objectives
Recognizing and identifying one's own prejudices towards others: prejudices that are the result of generalizations, widespread opinions, a lack of real knowledge of the other and his circumstances, which leads us to identify him with abstract labels (stereotypes).​
Recognizing the voice of the other in its specificity, listening to it, and making it our own through an approach to his vital experience to generate a real empathy with the experiences of others, finding elements that a priori may seem distant to us, discovering the same impulses that we experience in our daily lives.
To carry out a self-assessment and reflect on the change of personal attitude towards cultural diversity and immigrant students