MODULE 4 - Learning Language
General overview, aims and proposed activities
Proposal of 2 activities for teachers: a study activity and a project activity to be applied in the classroom
Activity 1: study of the materials provided on the following topics:
• Teaching L2 according to language acquisition levels and "Can-do" targets
• Production of teaching materials with the "Easy to read" method
• Cooperative learning groups
• Language learning through theater and role-playing games
• Digital tools and language teaching
• Examples of language teaching to refugee and immigrant students
• From the very first hours of teaching the language course in the host country...
• Adaptation of a literary text Design and implementation of a cross-curricular educational activity: Teaching of languages and mechanics (work: 20 hours).
Activity 2: Designing a learning scenario or lesson plan.
In this activity, teachers must design a Learning Scenario or lesson plan for:
- special classes with refugee students who are at the level of knowledge of the second language A1- (A1 minus);
- general education classes with students with heterogeneous abilities.
In case the Project is for teaching a discipline (e. g. mathematics, history, geography, technology, engineering, etc.), it is necessary to focus not only on communication skills in the foreign language but also on content integration skills (CLIL) (work: 10 hours).
Training Objectives
​Become familiar with the Common European Framework of Languages (CEF) standards and the ways in which language acquisition levels are defined.
After the presentation of the general language acquisition benchmarks and also some examples of "can-do" targets, it is hoped that the teacher will be able to:
- recognize the levels of language acquisition and identify the differences between them;
- define the level of language acquisition according to the "can-do" targets;
- analyze the "can-do" targets in small lessons;
- use the "can-do" targets to choose teaching materials and design activities;
- use the "can-do" targets as evaluation criteria for students.
Introduce students to the knowledge and use of digital technology, according to modern L2 teaching methods