MODULE 6 - Mathematics
General overview, aims and proposed activities
Important: The activities in this module require specific math skills. If you don't have them, you can substitute the activities in Module 6 for those in the Extension of Modules 3 or Extension of Module 5
Activity 1: Read the text Introductory course to Mathematics (work: 8 hours).
Activity 2: Read the examples related to the three proposed educational scenarios (work: 12 hours, approximately three hours each).
Activity 3: A teacher activity is proposed divided into two stages:
A. Suppose you are a teacher who is asked to teach mathematics in a lower secondary education classroom (students aged 12-15, including immigrant-refugee students):
To begin, choose a mathematical concept that is part of the secondary classroom curriculum and do a brief cognitive content analysis.
Determine the characteristics of the group of students: how many years they have been in the host country's educational system and what their previous educational experiences are.
B. Create an educational scenario for Part A
Apply it in the classroom.
Finally, present an evaluation of your educational intervention. This can include comments, recordings, photos, written documents, and anything else that can document the evaluation (work: 10 hours)
Training Objectives
​Consolidate "curricular elaboration" skills for each teacher who teaches mathematics; such elaborations are targeted - and therefore validated as such - toward the population-students of interest from time to time. Therefore, formative assessment skills and techniques (and related instructional materials) are required.
Learning techniques and didactic points of view to the set of didactic tools already available to teachers, so as to facilitate their ability and willingness to evaluate and elaborate differentiated approaches to their teaching methods and materials.
Gain an awareness that "multiple representations" (inherent in any conceptualization of mathematics as an example that agrees) provide instructional conceptualizations, as well as pose "problems" in the general consideration of the term, and open approaches to teaching (such as, for example, "theory born through teaching-action itself" approaches) that support differentiated engagements with learning and teaching.
Knowing how to reflect on the value of teaching by adopting an expanded active learning community, whether through "cooperative learning" or "peer-tutoring" (the latter would or might preferably facilitate inclusion), or by introducing themes/problems/tasks of an "open nature" (such as cultural or social issues to which they might give rise), in order to engage a broader audience (such as, for example, families and/or neighboring environments) in the "learning activity; this would support our efforts toward schooling"